code named

code namedcode named
  1. for a domestic terror operation code named " Sparrow . "


  2. Adobe has developed a new technology , code named Fiber , which brings model-driven development to Flex developers .


  3. Prediction results of an engineering code named SENSIT are given in comparison with single-beam ground test results .


  4. A method of phase code named SZ code to mitigate range ambiguity applied on a pulse Doppler weather radar is introduced .


  5. The project code named pureQuery gives database application developers an easy , GUI-based means to significantly increase productivity in both the design and implementation phases .


  6. Last year Microsoft announced that it would end support for Windows Live OneCare , and turn instead to develop a new , free security product , code named Morro .


  7. Using above methods based on the computational method of compressible flows and some other programming techniques , a parallel unsteady code named HPPD of three dimensions was developed on my own .


  8. A noncoherent space-time code named unitary space-time modulation ( USTM ) in which the transmit and the receive antennas do not know the channel state information ;


  9. Patrick goes on to mentioned that Adobe will be showing off the next full Flash Player release code named " Astro " at the Adobe MAX conference in Chicago later this month .


  10. Those are just the averages ... The hottest batch of Currie 's peppers , code named HP22B clocked in at 2.2 million on the Scoville scale .


  11. The JavaScript language lacks namespaces or packages , something Dojo and YUI overcome in how their code is named and packaged .


  12. The segment corresponding to the segment code is named current segment , and the segments which their codes are subtracted by one and lower is called segments displayed fully .


  13. As one of the three legal documents in ancient Mongolia , Mongolian Wei-la-te Code is named by Russian Orientalist H.R.HHbyhhy as " the mirror of17th century Mongolian society " .


  14. Article 239 in Criminal Code should be named the crime of abduction .


  15. Turbo code , also named parallel concatenated convolution code , was presented by C.


  16. Each path element contains a single dirname element , so the code searches for elements named dirname and grabs the first entry .


  17. Our batch file , shown in the following code snippet , is named wsdl2java . bat , and it resides in the working directory .


  18. To begin , the code connects to the named Solr server on the port and path given , and uses the ping () method to verify that the server is operational .
